Black Friday Sale Alert!! Zero G Weightless Vacuum!! Sale starting 11/27 through midnight 12/2 ā¤ $50 off the current price of $499.99 plus a free package of Exclusive SilverMicron Anti-Microbial Vacuum Bags.
The #ZeroGvac #weightlessvacuum is the best performing #vacuum we have ever used. It is easy to operate and incredibly lightweight but my favorite thing about it is how it gets absolutely everything out of our carpets and off our hardwood floors. It is so quiet too and you don't even notice the canister behind you even when it's full because it just glides around effortlessly. Having 2 pets and a four year old around we are very tough on vacuums and have gone through 3 different brands in the past year. Thankfully I have finally found a tough vacuum that I can see lasting for many years to come. ā”