🌼 "The more we practice gratitude the more we see how much there is to be grateful for". -- That is the personalized engraving I chose for my acrylic cube with a real xerochrysum inside from boncube.life! I love the way it turned out! It makes a wonderful gift to display on shelves, dressers and desks. Each cube has a real plant inside and is made of premium acrylic with great transparency!
🌼 These cubes are such wonderful and unique time capsules of nature. The personal connection with nature allows you to bring the outdoors inside, creating a sanctuary of tranquility and inspiration. They make such unique and thoughtful gifts that include free fancy laser engraving, free shipping and no tax right now! What you see is what you get, every single product has its own id, pics and shopping experience as in a real store! I love how I was emailed a pic of my cube with the engraving and had the option to make changes or approve it before it was sent to me.
🌼 You can choose from all kinds of real plants including xerochrysums, dandelions, pine cones , star flowers and more! Right now my followers can get $15 OFF with coupon code: 15AINS76CSGP - This means you can actually get one of these beautiful cubes for $19.9+ at https://www.boncube.life/pages/bon-mart
*pictures don't do this justice, some dust particles are from the environment not from the product itself.